Wednesday, 16 January 2013

lalitha sahasranamam

Lalitha Sahasranamam

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to listen Lalitha Sahasranamam
Lalita Sahasranama is from Brahmanda Purana. It is a sacred holy text to the Hindu worshippers of the Goddess Lalita Devi, i.e. theDivine Mother, in the form of her power, Shakti. Lalita is the Goddess of bliss, an epithet for Shiva's wife Goddess Parvati. Lalita means "She Who Plays". In the root form, the word "Lalita" means "spontaneous" from which the meaning "easy" is derived and from there-forth the word implicitly extends to "play". It is supposedly one of the most complete stotras which can be recited for complete salvation
This sahasranama is held as a sacred text for the worship of the "Divine Mother", Lalita, and is also used in the worship of Durga, Parvati, Kaali, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Bhagavathi, etc. A principal text of Shakti worshippers, it names her various attributes, and all these names are organised in the form of a hymn. This sahasranama is used in various modes for the worship of the Divine Mother. Some of the modes of worship are parayana (Recitations), archana, homa etc. Usually, in a sahasranamam, if the same name repeats, the commentators use their scholarship and inspiration to give different meanings to different occurrences of the same name (this practise occurs also in Talmudic commentary). Lalita sahasranama is the only sahasranama that does not repeat a single name. Further, in order to maintain the metre, sahasranamas use the artifice of adding words like tu, api, ca, and hi, which are only conjunctions that do not necessarily add to the meaning of the name except in rare cases of interpretation. The Lalita sahasranama however does not use any such auxiliary conjunctions and is therefore unique in being an enumeration of holy names that meets the metrical, poetical and mystic requirements of a sahasranama purely by their order throughout the text.